About Me



Unreal Engine

Experienced working with and developing games in Unreal Engine both in solo projects and collaborative environments either for fun or in a professional setting.

Coming from a background of games modding through server-side extensions in Minecraft using Java I have 8+ years worth of experience building multiplayer gameplay experiences for players.

Having went through the entire game making process from idea to published game and post-launch patches I have a good understanding of what it takes to make a commercial game and meet player expectations both out- and inside the game.

I have experience working in Unreal Engine using systems and tools like:

Affinity / Photoshop

With an interest for graphics/UI design for several years, I have been working with programs like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and the Affinity suite.

Designing various types of graphical designs for myself, fun or for clients throughout the years, ranging from logos to user-interface designs. My experience with game development and interest in user-interface design gives me a unique look at what it takes to make the user-experience the best it can be for players or users when navigating graphical interfaces.